Electro – Greece

Electronic and Electrical Engineering – Greece

You will be working in the Greek  Electrical and Electronic Engineering sector. Explore the most important facts and some essential key words to find your way in the new environment. For each theme we provide an informative video and quizzes to train the knowledge.

1. Working in an Electrical Workshop

Learn what behaviour is expected of you in an electrical workshop in Greece including the most important security measures and get to know the key words.

2. Working in Electrical installation

Get to know the essential tools and equipment you will need to use in a Greek workshop for electrical installation and get to know the key words.

3. Connection Plans in Electronic Engineering

Learn the most important facts about the cabling system in Greece and learn the most important vocabulary.

4. Working in Computer Maintenance

What do you need to know, if you work in computer maintenance in Greece? Get to know the essential tools and terms you will need to use.

5a. Working in Electronics

Get to know the general tools and equipment in electronics and the necessary vocabulary in Greek.

5b. Working with electronic applications

Get to know essential electronic applications and the vocabulary in Greek.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira